It's a matter of what I want to do for change and what I can do to make that happen. I want so much to see healthy creatures in a pristine environment. I would like to say that I live in a totally environmentally friendly way-that I leave no harmful footprints, but it isn't so. Ten years ago, I never gave any of this a second thought.
Recycling doesn't happen as it should in my household. I don't even think there is a plastic recycling facility in my town. (This is something I'm seriously researching at the moment). I can say that we do send our metals off for recycling. Every time I try to institute a separation policy in our disposal of other recyclables, it gets ignored within a few days. I want to be getting our electricity from 100% sustainable sources, but here we sit tied into the greedy grid in suburbia with a frog killing chemically maintained swimming pool in our back yard. This is soul torment. I dream of avoiding plastic and petrochemical packaging all together, and yet I receive raw materials packaged in plastic, and in turn package some finished products in plastic. There is serious irony in an 'organic' labeled product nestled within a plastic bag or container isn't there? This is an endless seeming catch 22 that I haven't figured out how to solve...yet. I have liquid soap in plastic squeeze bottles that I haven't attempted to sell because I am so dissatisfied with the packaging. It's great for product dispensation, but I really don't want to put more of what I loathe into circulation. I could easily put lip balm into cheap convenient roll up plastic tubes. It's great lip balm and plastic tubes would be so ideal for delivery, but I watched that video of sea birds gut loaded with plastic and my conscience is bothered. Heck, I shave my legs with disposable razors! I'm sitting here typing on my environmentally unfriendly when disposed of improperly beloved laptop! Ugh! We flush our biological wastes down our toilets to join the stew and add to the burden at the water treatment plant while I long to set up a water less composting potty. So, while I dream-what can I do? Read, learn, spread the word, and keep trying to get better at implementing the changes I care so much about-environmental, animal, and humanitarian. I hope that by including links to concerns on on my site that you might be interested and concerned too, investigate them, and take action. At the very least, every voice added just can't hurt. It doesn't cost the sites I link to a thing, nor does it increase cost for me. It is something that I can do right now.
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