I have a serious problem with laundry detergent. No matter what kind, I really can't stand the stench it produces. Funny, even the ones labeled as free of this and that still produce negative effects on my sinuses and itching with clothes to body contact. I have certainly used my own soap, but I get down right lazy about keeping the liquid soap stores stocked or grating old soap bars for laundry purposes. I have read plenty of articles about soap nuts (which are actually berries) and I finally could resist the urge to buy and try no longer. I love them! I must assert that I am not picky when it comes to laundry. All I care about is that it be clean, non stinky with artificial perfumes and especially non itchy due to unpleasant residues. I tend to avoid wearing whites because I hate having to do any extra work to keep them white. My whites tend to dinge with time and go unregarded. I can't tolerate bleaches at all. If I really really want something to be white, I will go completely old school and give it a boiling. So far, the dried soap berry hulls are doing the job that satisfies me and I really love it that I'm not putting any extra work into it. I did 5 loads with the first 5 berries and they turned out clean smelling without a hideous residual perfume stench or itch factor. My daughter had gotten a smidge of hair dye on one of her shirts and I did treat that one immediately after it happened while the dye was still damp with a rub in of some of my own soap followed by a wash with the berries and amazingly, the dye came right out! I think the key was in getting to it before it had dried. Another nice thing about the berries is that I can just pitch them into the garden when they have been exhausted of their saponins. This is great for the lazy woman with the bad back and really awful soil! I went all out and bought from one of the best name brand suppliers due to less stellar descriptions of berries purchased from other suppliers. Here is a link to the Naturoli website: https://store.naturoli.com/soap-nuts-berries/
I really like the idea of using a completely natural cleaning plant!
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