![]() I have been going along for weeks now under a funk, and I knew the cause of it, but rather than deal with it I hoped it would just fizzle on it's own. It may seem strange but I can feel when someone has put negative intentions toward me. I feel it in my body and soul. I get extra tired, extra aches and pains, anxiety and low moods for no apparent reason. Well, I finally got fed up today and decided to get rid of it! Rather than send a vicious attack back at the ones doing it, I just decided to separate myself from it and burn that sucker, so I did and whew I feel better now. This was no little thing, evidently. Usually little things do just fizzle out. So, here is how I uncrossed myself and put myself in wealth restoration mode: Step 1: Take a nice bath or shower with your favorite uncrossing soap. In my case, I bathed with a Patchouli and rue Castile. Step 2: Make yourself a nice cup of hyssop tea and drink this while you get your ingredients together and consecrate your workspace. Here is what you will need: Your consecration tools. Mine are simple. I have a small quartz wand I like to use, and in this case dragon's blood powder for burning in my cute little incense cauldron. Now, I fill my burner nearly to the top with sand I collected from the banks of a sacred river in the mountains but you can use sand from anywhere special to you. The sand insulates so I can carry my little rascal around while I consecrate my workspace, which I do in a clockwise fashion for this. a white candle ( I used a white tea light this time) 1 piece of jute twine a little piece of white paper & some tape a pen uncrossing oil your money jar 3 gold dollars a sprig of catnip Get your workspace ready, and call your spirit helpers, then: Write 'myself' on your paper on one side, and beside that, with enough space for cutting them both out separately, write whatever you want to rid yourself of. In my case it was evil rumors and poverty. (I decided to knock out two things at once) Cut them apart. Tape 'yourself' to one end of your jute and tape 'evil rumors and poverty' to the other end. Dip your right pointer finger in your uncrossing oil and go 3 times around the top of your candle with it, clockwise, then light that rascal. Next with 'yourself' in your right hand and 'evil rumors and poverty' in your left, put the middle of that twine into that flame. Voila! You just burned that unhealthy connection! Now, go burn those evil rumors and poverty to ashes over your toilet and flush those suckers to the sewer, septic tank, or hell where they belong. I always thank Water for bearing the burden away as I do this. Now, tenderly wrap the 'myself' paper around your catnip sprig and of course, surround it with coins and your 3 gold dollars in your money jar. There. You are done now and should be feeling much better! Of course make sure to send your helping spirits away to sleep kindly and undo your circle with joy in your heart. If the weather is good, at this point I step outside to give a final incense offering as my spirits go to rest, and also to thank the holy burning power of Sol. You certainly don't have to end things like I do, that is just my way.
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